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La compression de flux magnétique

PhD. defended on July the 8th, 2002. at Centre d'Études de Gramat (France) by
Mathias BAVAY (Mathias.Bavay_at_ingenieurs-supelec.org).

The Magnetic Flux Compression in the sub-microsecond regime for the generation of very high pressure and intense X-rays (abstract)

On this CDrom, you will find:
several file format for the dissertation (in French only):
browsable version (html)
Be carrefull, this is not the full version!
printable version (zipped postscript)
printable version (pdf)
a bibliography and papers published on this work (pdf format)
several softwares written for this work in the "utils" sub-directory
copies of example presentations: PhD. defense and an overview presented at Sandia National Laboratories

The main document for the dissertation is located in the "these" sub-directory. A sub-directory called "these/figures" contains all the figures used into the document in postscript file format and modifiable file format.

The "film" sub-directory contains animations extracted from numerical simulations, the "presentations" sub-directory contains several papers published on this work (all in english). Please leave that html interface in order to fully browse that cdrom!


Mathias Bavay - September 2002