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Too many unknown!tmaxrise timesImaxmaximum current reached at tmaxAU0charging voltageVRcircuit resistanceohmLcircuit inductanceHCcircuit capacitanceFDiameterinside diameter of the resistancemLengthinside length of the resistanceConcentrationconcentration of the solution making the resistancekg/lResistanceresistanceRise timerise time of the signalCurrent timetime at which we want to calculate/we know the skin depthskin depthdistance such as B(d)=B0/ewire diameterdiameter of the wiregapgap between the two wireslengthlength of the wiresinductancecapacitancewidthwidth of the strip linegap between the two electrodeslength of the strip linesmall widthwidth of the smallest side of the strip linelarge widthwidth of the largest side of the strip lineinner radius 1smallest radius of the circular electrodesouter radius 2largest radius of the circular electrodesgap 1gap at the smallest radiusgap 2gap at the largest radiusinside radiusinside radius of the cylinderoutside radiusexternal radius of the cylinderlength of the conductorinside conductor radiusoutside conductor radiuslength of the coaxial linesolenoid diameterdiameter of the solenoidnumber of turnsnumber of turns of the solenoidlength of the solenoidsmall diameterdiameter of the bended cylinder making the torusnumber of turns of the wire around the torusbig diameterdiameter of the torusdiameter of the wire making the looploop diameterdiameter of the loopwidth of the coilheightheight of the coillength of the coilradiusradius of the helixheight of the helixwire radiusradius of the wire making the coilpitchpitch of the helix (length between two turns)diameter 1diameter of ball 1diameter 2diameter of ball 2distancedistance between the two balls)>@@?PbM>. &֕?zG{?>z򚼯H?zG?(\)Brought to you by Ivanhoe Technologies Inc.Pulsed Power tools - 0.9Pulsed Power ToolsIvanhoe Technologies
11030 Cochiti SE
Albuquerque, NM 87123
505-332-2170RLC calculator
leave 2 unknown values blank
Solve!Solve the two unfilled values




charging voltage for the capacitors



resistance of the circuit



inductance of the circuit



capacitance of the circuit



current amplitude


RLCcolor codingblackbrownredorangeyellowgreenbluevioletgraywhitegoldfirst ringsecond ringthird ring


resistance valuecalculate the value of the resistance, knowing its color codeLiquid resistors




length of the resistancetotal value of the resistanceCuSO4NaClKMnO4ZnSO4solution typesolve the unknown value


concentration of the solution


Resistorsparallel wiresstrip lineconverging linecircular plateshollow cylindercoaxial linethin solenoidtoruswire looprectangular coilhelixballsselect the geometry

wire radius:



leave unknown value blank


calculated inductance value


calculated capacitance valuecalculate the inductance/capacitance knowing the geometry
the calculation is performed according to Knoefel, using all coefficients for field leakage, ...InductancesWaveform:RampSinusSinus^2current waveformMaterial:AluminumBrassCopperGoldSilverStainless SteelTungstenselect material of the electrodeswaveform rise timeRise time:time at which we want to know the skin depthCurrent time:skin depth:depth such as B(x)=B(0)/esolve!solve the unknown value!Skin depth

PPtools aims to be a generic toolbox for people working in the Pulsed Powers field. Of course, it won't pretend to provide the kind of capability a full MHD or circuit code would but it should ease your life by providing a few convenient utilities.

This is free software, as defined by GPL v2. You can find the license included in the distribution of this software or by writing to
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA

PPtools 0.9 is brought to you by Mathias Bavay working at Ivanhoe Technologies Inc. (Albuquerque, NM), with many thanks to "Herq" and the LinuxFr community for debugging!!

Copyright 2004-2005, Mathias Bavay

HelpGet some more helpAboutPNGqt_central_widgetrlcwindowLayoutlayout25ITI_logopptools_tabsRLCLayouttext_statuslayout26button_solvelayout26_2rlc_name_1rlc_input_1rlc_unit_1layout28rlc_name_3rlc_input_3rlc_unit_3layout29rlc_name_4rlc_input_4rlc_unit_4layout30rlc_name_5rlc_input_5rlc_unit_5layout31rlc_name_6rlc_input_6rlc_unit_6layout27rlc_name_2rlc_input_2rlc_unit_2TabPageTabPageLayoutgroupBox1layout32band1_inputband2_inputband3_inputlayout29_2layout46_2textLabel2_2_6color_resistance_inputsolve_color_codegroupBox2layout46lR_name_1lR_input_1lR_unit_1layout47lR_name_2lR_input_2lR_unit_2layout49lR_name_4lR_input_4lR_unit_4layout52solution_selectbutton_solve_liquid_Rlayout48lR_name_3lR_input_3lR_unit_3TabPage_2TabPageLayout_2inductance_type_selectlayout17L_label_1L_input_1L_unit_1layout17_2L_label_2L_input_2L_unit_2layout17_3L_label_3L_input_3L_unit_3layout17_4L_label_4L_input_4L_unit_4L_status_textlayout17_5L_label_5L_input_5L_unit_5layout17_5_2L_label_6L_input_6L_unit_6layout26_2_2inductance_solveTabPage_3TabPageLayout_3layout23label_waveformselect_waveformlayout22label_materialselect_materiallayout24skin_unit_1skin_input_1skin_name_1layout25_2skin_unit_2skin_input_2skin_name_2layout26_3skin_name_3skin_input_3skin_unit_3layout27_2solve_skin_depth_buttontext_skin_depthAboutLayoutlayout14textBrowser1Help_button2pressed()1solve_rlc()2clicked()1solve_liquid_R()1solve_color_coding()1solve_inductance()2activated(int)1refresh_inductance()1solve_skin_depth()1HelpOpen()rlcwindowHelp

Welcome to PPTools !

Here, you will find some help about this software, including details about how the calculations are performed.

Table Of Contents

  1. General concepts about the User Interface
  2. General concepts about numerical methods
  3. The RLC simulator
  4. The resistance calculator
  5. The inductance calculator
  6. The skin depth calculator

1. General concepts about the User Interface

Amongst all the tools grouped within this software, some principles have been kept the same:
  • Balloon help is available on almost all input fields: leave your mouse cursor still on an input field, a few words of explanations will appear.
  • When a button is labelled "solve", that means that you can leave any of the input fields blank and a solver will solve it (and re-write all the other values in order to make sure the form is consistent).
  • When a button is labelled "calculate", that means that there is a bunch of input fields and only one result field.
  • If a calculation does not converge (physically impossible set of parameters, ...), the displayed results will be obviously wrong: expect to see "NaN", "Inf" of negative numbers when they should be positive.
  • Most of the tools will try to give you as much information about the calculation that has been performed as possible.
  • All units are SI unless otherwise specified.

2. General concepts about the numerical methods

  • Equations are solved using Newton's method with a small (non-zero) initial condition. For parameters that can only be positive, a loop will try to divide that initial condition and try again if the computed result was negative.
  • Non-linear systems are solved using a method that can be found in Ortega, J and Rheinboldt, W (1970), "Iterative Solution of Non-linear equations in several variables", Academic Press, New York
  • Initial values used in the above mentionned algorithms are guesses based on physical considerations. They should be close enough to the real solution, in order for the methods to converge.
  • Tabulated values are computed using data tables and interpolations, knowing if one (or both) of their scale is log.
  • In order to make sure data is consistent, all fields are re-calculated after solving. That could explain that some fields could be a little bit altered after solving.

3. The RLC simulator

This simulator solves the two equations describing an RLC circuit. Because there are two equations, you have to fill out all fields but two. Please remember that you have to provide values that are physically possible !
The two equations that are solved are non-linear and are solved using an algorithm specifically designed for that kind of problems. Because that algorithm is not very robust in term of convergence, it has to be provided with very carefully chosen initial values. Such values are estimated using various physical consideration (quarter period of a pure LC circuit, fraction of the energy that could be dissipated in the resistance, ..). A few cases are solved using a simple Newton's algorithm.

4. The resistance calculator

The first section of that tab is about color coding for resistors. You can either select the color of the three rings of your resistor and it will tell you what is the value of that resistor, or enter the resistance your are looking for and it will tell you what colors you have to look for in order to come as close as possible to the value you requested (Once again, the resistance value will be updated to reflect the real resistance of the proposed choice).
The second section is about liquid resistors. You have to select the solution you are using (most of the time, copper sulfate, CuSO4, but other are available as a matter of convenience, even if they are far less interesting in term of available range). Then, fill up all but one value, then solve it and it will give you a set of consistent parameters. If the maximum solubility of the product has been reached, it will keep it at such a maximum value (measured at 20C) and finish the calculation (in order to get a consistent set of parameters). Then, you are advised to keep that maximum concentration and blank another field in order to get the result you need, knowing that you need to change one of your initial parameters (also, more details about going out of the internal tables are given when you launch pptools from the command line). If there are no empty fields, the total resistance will be calculated.

5. The inductance calculator

This solver is about calculating inductance parameters knowing the geometry. First, select the geometry of your inductance. Then, fill out all but one parameters (be carreful, since L and C are equivalent, they are considered to be the same parameter), and run the solver. If you want to find some parameters in order to achieve a specific inductance or capacitance, leave one of the top fields blank, then fill out only ONE of the two bottom field (L and C) and run the solver. The equation will be solved and the other bottom parameter (L or C) will be displayed as well. If there are no empty field, the L and the C will be calculated.
Numerically speaking, these calculations account for flux leakage. There are performed according to the Knoepfel calculations (p312-324), including all coefficients. These coefficients are tabulated in the solver, using the appropriate interpolation. A status text field will display the value of these coefficients (if relevant) as well as warning when out of tables (most of limit values beeing trivial, this going out of tables should not be a problem most of the time).
For the rectangular coil, there is no available coefficient in a very specific regime. So, a weigthed average is used instead, providing a smooth transition between the two well defined regimes at the boundaries of that regime. Such a transition seems reasonnable, but the precision of the calculation would drop in that regime, so a warning is issued.
For the helix coil, the calculation in the Knoepfel seems obviously wrong, so don't complain if the results are wrong!

6. Skin depth calculator

This solver is about magnetic field skin depth in various materials. You have to select the applied signal shape, and then enter the parameters, leaving one field blank. Since these profiles are tabulated up to T/2, don't expect any relevant results at time greater than T/2!
This solver gives you the value of a "flux skin depth". This is the distance such as Sum(B) from 0 to d = Sum(B) from 0 to infinite / e. Practically speaking, this is equivalent to the length defined page 54 of the Knoepfel. It allows the skin depth to be meaningfull at times greater than T/4 and is specially suited for inductance calculations (because it is based on the flux). For a more detailed explanation of such a concept, please have a look at the Knoepfel or at my PhD thesis (p278, "La compression de flux magnétique dans le régime sub-microseconde pour l'obtention de hautes pressions et de rayonnement X intense", Paris XI, July 2002, Mathias Bavay)

Thank you for using PPTools !
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