pptools 0.9: *maximum solubility now accounted for in liquid resistors; *suppressed the unused variables in colorcoding::solve; *class for managing forms=better modularization of the components making the UI; *suffixes like "u, k, M" can be used in all input fields; *suffixes like "u, k, M" now used for formatting the results; *tables assigned once and for all the calculation in the inductance calculator; *better initial conditions in all solvers but RLC; *more inductances models in the inductance calculator; *more solutions in the liquid resistance calculator; *icones symbolizing the geometries in the inductance calculator (so cute...!); *better handling of warnings and error messages in the inductance calculator; *better convergence of the Newton's method: the solver now knows about some physical caracteristics of the solution it is looking for (positive value, greater than another field, ...) making the use of the solver on inductance calculations much more successful; *code cleanup; *new icons for the program, for dark backgrounds; *in the skin depth calculator, there is a message displayed if we go out of the tables (because it is currently using tabulated values). pptools 0.8.2: *dirty hack to fix a bug in the inductance calculator: a hidden input field before the one we want to solve was then beeing solved instead of the one we want... pptools 0.8.1: *added GPL headers to each files; *created "pptools.lsm" description file; *created an INSTALL file; *added COPYING, AUTHOR, TODO files; pptools 0.8: *RLC solver is now fully C++; *added missing initial conditions to the RLC solver; *better color coding solver; *better help file (talks about almost every aspects); *fixed the rectangular coil inductance (it now contains all the coefficients, with interpolations where necessary); pptools 0.7: *added the begining of a help file in the "About" tab; *added a "refresh" call to the inductance panel every time the user activates the tabs -> the correct number of fields is displayed on the inductance panel; *better code modularization for the management of equations; *now, every equation can be solved by a Newton's method (or another one if re-defining the solver); *solver for color coding of resistors; *solver for inductances; *solver for the skin depth; *added more solutions for liquid resistors; pptools 0.6: *added skin depth calculator (currently based on tabulated data); *added tables in the inductances and resistance calculations. These tables are then using selected interpolations (linear, log, semi-log...) to extract values and return their status (out of tables, ...); *added better tables for CuSO4;